Annabelle Wilson founded A. R. Wilson & Associates in 1992 to meet a growing need for private fiduciary services in Los Angeles County.
Company Profile
Our well-qualified staff is dedicated to protecting the welfare of our clients and carefully managing their assets. In meeting the needs of a wide variety of people, from children and their parents to the elderly, we work closely with skilled professionals in the legal, financial, real estate, health care and other fields.
For clients who receive personal services, our staff assists in helping to maintain their dignity and sense of well being. The A. R. Wilson staff is innovative, resourceful, and attentive to the details that are important to our clients.
Fiduciary Bio
In 1992, Annabelle Wilson founded A. R. Wilson & Associates to serve clients in the capacity of Conservator, Guardian, Trustee, Estate Administrator and Case Manager. She has over fifty years experience in the care and management field as a commercial property manager, administrator of a skilled-nursing facility, and as principal of A. R. Wilson & Associates, which has been responsible for more than $77,000,000 in conservatorship, trust and decedent estate assets.
Annabelle Wilson is licensed by the State of California as a Professional Fiduciary, holding License Number 178. She did undergraduate work in business administration at the University of La Verne and has completed the certificate programs in Professional Fiduciary Management for Conservators and for Trustees at California State University Fullerton. Her professional affiliations include membership in the Professional Fiduciary Association of California (Vice President, Southern Region 1998-99 and State Board 2001-2003), Fiduciary Round Table of San Gabriel Valley (President 1994-95), and associate member of the Pasadena Bar Association.
In addition to serving as conservator and guardian, Mrs. Wilson serves as trustee for inter vivos, testamentary and special needs trust estates. Her services include handling elder abuse cases in cooperation with law enforcement, dealing with difficult family and legal matters, working with social services, relatives, and others on behalf of minors, managing real estate, and resolving environmental contamination issues.